Journey Into Bellydance
An Enthusiastic Bellydancing Instructor
What I love about SharQui is that it makes bellydance approachable. Forty minutes of class, and new students will be dancing. They will have a few basic moves that can be strung together in a mini-choreography. They will have gotten their heart rate up and will have enjoyed doing so. And the next day, they will feel sore. After weeks of classes, they will have an assortment of moves in their repertoire And their bodies will have begun to relax and become more flexible and fluid when they dance. Most importantly, they will have a new appreciation of their bodies – in whatever size and shape they are.
My hope is that I will reach women in the area, help them re-inhabit their bodies, and find a safe space to be themselves.
If you are interested in bellydance or fitness, please fill out the "Contact Me" form below so I can keep you updated on Azmeena Dances' courses and bring you into the local bellydancing community.
Course Offerings

The Bellydance Workout
Unlike other dance-based workout programs, SharQuà isn’t focused on weight loss. It promotes overall fitness and beauty. YOUR beauty! We want you to become your best self while having the time of your life.

Bellydancing Courses
Eight Weeks of Fun!
Semester classes consist of weekly bellydance class for eight weeks where dancers will be guided through a progressive syllabus. Techniques will be combined to provide fitness-focused classes, in a safe space where self-exploration is encouraged.

Private Lessons
Personalized Attention
Private lessons provide the perfect opportunity for students to hone specific skills, or challenge themselves further. Each lesson is specifically adjusted to a students wants and needs, to provide them the space they need to perform their best.
Contact Me!
Get in touch to request more information or to find out more about exploring bellydance with me.